Nathaniel Haines

Nathaniel Haines

Data Scientist & Computational Psychologist, PhD

Ledger Investing

I am a data scientist with a PhD from The Ohio State University. I have published 20+ peer-reviewed papers and book chapters, many on applied use of generative modeling, Bayesian modeling, computational modeling, and psychometrics to answer complex research questions. I enjoy applying my expertise in both social science and data science to solve real-world modeling problems.

As Manager of Data Science Research at Ledger Investing, I lead teams building Bayesian models for insurance-linked securities, a novel asset class that provides alternative sources of capital for the insurance industry. In my role, I lead research initiatives on building time-series and forecasting models, developing robust Bayesian model comparison and model stacking methods, and designing internal software to improve model development and deployment.

Download my CV.

  • Bayesian Statistics <3
  • Risk Modeling
  • Computational Reproducibility
  • Uncertainty Quantification and Visualization
  • Clinical and Mathematical Psychology
  • Ph.D. in Psychology, 2021

    The Ohio State University

  • M.A. in Psychology, 2017

    The Ohio State University

  • B.A. in Psychology, 2015

    The Ohio State University
